
On Duratives and Frequentatives Sandwiched Between V and O in Mandarin

  • 摘要: 以往许多研究往往把动宾间的时量、动量成分统一处理,或是分析为定语,或是补足语。这一处理实质忽略了时量词与动量词之间的区别以及动(时)量词与名量词之间的对应关系。从以上两个对立出发,本文重新审视动宾间时量和动量成分的性质,指出动宾间时量、动量的操作对象均为后面的事件名词,但二者性质不同,时量成分为事件名词的附加语,而动量成分则投射为数量短语,以事件名词为补足语,整个数量短语充当动词的补足语。这一分析可以很好地解释二者在受次语类特征影响、能否带"的"以及表层语序制约等方面所表现出的对立。


    Abstract: This paper makes a syntactic analysis of duratives and frequentatives sandwiched between V and O in Mandarin Chinese. Such postverbal duratives and frequentatives were often treated uniformly either as adjuncts or complements of verbs. The unified analysis not only conceals the distinctions between them but also their differences from nominal classifiers. We claim that postverbal duratives and frequentatives merges with the object but not with the verb specifically, but the duratives should be treated as adjuncts of NP, and the frequentatives project a function projection which takes NP as its complement. This non-unified analysis can nicely capture the following facts, e.g. the insertion of de and the requirement of subcategorization etc.


