
On an Explicit Construal of Semantic Waves: A Case Study of Science Texts

  • 摘要: 语义波是系统功能语言学与合法化语码理论对话合作的焦点。当前学界对语义波的客观显性实证研究较少,对语义波的具体调解功能也尚未明晰,此主要受制于语义波缺失客观识别与具体判定的显性识解框架。鉴于此,文章以科学语篇为例,提出以语篇的修辞单位为基点,构建客观显性识别语义波的判定框架,进而阐释语义波的语义调解功能,即其亲近化、技术化、合法化功能,力图为语义波的起伏性、适用性及合法性给予客观化的阐释,为科学语篇的知识建构提供一个切入路径。


    Abstract: The notion of semantic wave is a growing focus between Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory. It is found that few studies are concerned about an explicit objective identification of semantic waves, particularly about how semantic waves are supposed to be identified objectively and judged explicitly in addition to its specific semiotic functions. This paper tries to construct an explicit and objective framework for semantic wave identification in terms of the rhetorical units of a text, and further explore its semiotic mediating functions of approximation, technicalization and legitimation so as to make an objective interpretation for its appliable and legitimate status and develop a cutting approach for powerful knowledge building in the disciplinary text of bilingual science.


