
A Study of Liejin Poetic Couplets from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

  • 摘要: 列锦诗句是常见的一种诗句形式,其特点是由多个名词铺排拼缀,虽不使用动词,但表意依然完整、传神。在传统语文学视野中,列锦诗句仅被当作一种修辞手段或对举结构加以研究。近年来,语言学家也从民族思维模式的差异(如"时空分立"和"时空同态")视角研究列锦诗句的特殊语言结构,但均未触及列锦诗句的认知建构机制。本文利用构式语法理论,有机结合顺序扫描和整体扫描两种认知手段,研究分析了列锦诗句中名词铺排拼缀的通达机制,发现各类列锦诗句所共享的语法构式具有并列、递进、因果、条件、对应、反义等对举式逻辑语义关系。认知语言学、外语教学、对外汉语教学、翻译研究均可借鉴该研究成果。


    Abstract: Liejin is a particular poetic form in Chinese, and it is characterized by the pile-up of nouns along a poetic line without a predicate verb but still capable of vivid expression.Within the framework of traditional Chinese philology, liejin is usually regarded as a figure of speech with a symmetric structure.In recent years, some linguists have approached liejin with the conceptualization of time-space distinction or time-space conflation, but still have not elucidated the constructional mechanism of liejin.This paper makes an attempt to probe into the mechanism of liejin from the perspective of Construction Grammar.It is assumed that the pile-up of nouns along a poetic line comes up with dynamicity or temporality by sequential scanning and a symmetric structure is holistically formed as a gestalt by a higher combination of two symmetric poetic lines.Liejin as a grammatical construction is equipped with its particular constructional meaning.The paper concludes by claiming that the research has implications for Cognitive Linguistics, foreign language teaching in China, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and translation studies.


