
On the Sentence Pattern with Inanimate Subject in Chinese-English Literature Translation

  • 摘要: 文章以汉英文学翻译中的无生命主语句式为研究对象,通过对综合英语语料库的统计,提取了无生命主语句式中的常用名词和常用意识动词,并以此为标准,分析了汉英翻译中无生命主语句式的4种类型和25个常用意识动词,发现无生命主语句式中除了少量无生命实体名词外,主要是抽象名词在发挥作用。通过对综合英语语料库和汉英文学翻译语料库中例句的对比,无生命主语句式使用频率显示出一定的差异性。但在中国学习者英语语料库的映衬下,上述两个语料库中的句式却显出共性,中国学习者英语语料库则未呈现汉英翻译语料库、综合英语语料库中的无生命主语句式特色。因此该句式研究值得引起中国英语教学界的重视。


    Abstract: The research aims at the sentence pattern with inanimate subject in Chinese-English literature translation with reference to the common nouns and conscious verbs derived from the sentences with inanimate subject in an authoritative comprehensive English corpus. Four types of sentence pattern with inanimate subject have been analyzed and 25 conscious verbs have been discussed with numerous examples from a translation corpus. Abstract nouns play an important role in the sentence pattern with inanimate subject.Certain differences have been detected from the comparison between the translation corpus and the English corpus. The two corpora, however, share many striking common features in contrast with the Chinese Learner English Corpus. This fact calls for substantial attention to the sentence pattern with inanimate subject in the English teaching in China.


