
The Historical Development of Narrative Positioning Framework: Theoretical Foundations and Data Sources

  • 摘要: 以往的定位理论综述文献大多描述了该理论的发展历程,但鲜有深究其理论基础和数据来源,如果探索这两个问题则有助于推动理论创新。通过细读文献我们发现:1)定位理论的分析重点经历了叙事分析、对话分析、互动分析到综合分析的历史沿革。2)引入的理论分别是言语行为理论和叙事学、巴赫金的对话理论和戈夫曼的产出模式、会话分析和互动社会语言学、语言人类学中的指向性理论和合作原则中的关系原则。3)更直接的原因是数据来源从研究者的自创故事、访谈故事、小故事,到会话叙事和民族志结合的变化。定位理论可为社会语言学、外语教学和语用学领域带来新的理论视角。总之,对语言事实的尊重以及引入新的理论视角,带来了叙事定位理论的持续创新。


    Abstract: Previous reviews on positioning theory mostly described its developmental trajectories, giving less attention to its theoretical foundations and data sources. However, doing so can shed light on theoretical innovation. With a close reading of the literature, it is found that 1) the analytical focus has shifted from narrative analysis, dialogic analysis, interactional analysis, to integrated approach; 2) the theories that informed the development are speech acts theory and narratology, Bakhtin’s dialogic theory and Goffman's production format, conversation analysis and interactional sociolinguistics, theory of indexicality and relation principle within Grice’s CP. 3) the more direct reason is that the data sources changed from fabricated narratives, interview narratives, small stories, to conversational narratives and ethnographic fieldwork. Positioning theory has brought new theoretical perspectives to sociolinguistics, foreign language teaching, and pragmatics. All in all, the respect for linguistic facts and introduction of novel theoretical perspectives has led to ongoing theoretical innovation in narrative positioning framework.


