
Translation Behaviours in Norm Conflicts

  • 摘要: 翻译规范研究是描写翻译研究的重要课题,目前对规范的研究偏重对系统稳定性的研究,注重考察翻译行为的规律,揭示占主导地位的规范及其对翻译行为的制约,将个性化、非典型的翻译行为排除在研究范畴之外,使得规范研究较少涉及规范的改变以及译者对规范的构建作用。规范的多元性和冲突性是翻译规范的基本特征,能够向译者提出更高的挑战,也赋予了译者更多的权力和机会影响和改变规范,影响系统的走向。本文关注规范的多元性,分析多个规范共存导致规范冲突的四种情况,揭示译者应对规范冲突采取的三种行为模式,并以张谷若1936出版的《德伯家的苔丝》中译本作为案例研究,尝试回答以下三个问题:何种情况下规范会发生冲突?译者采取哪些行为来应对规范冲突?不同行为模式可能会促使规范发生什么样的改变?对这三个问题的回答有助于深化对翻译规范和翻译行为之间关系复杂性和多样性的认识,揭示考察翻译规范发生改变的机制以及译者对规范改变的构建作用。


    Abstract: Studies of translation norms focus on the constraint of the dominant norm to translators and the compliance of translation behaviours. While norm conformity explains the stability of the translation system, non-typical and incompliant behaviours can shed light on the change and evolution of the system. This article concentrates on the multiplicity of translation norms and its influence on translation behaviours. The research questions are:when do norms come into conflicts? How do translators react to norm conflicts? How do their reactions contribute to the change and evolution of the system? The study presents four types of norm conflicts and three modes of translation behaviours with a special reference to Zhang Guruo's translation of Tess of the d'Urbervilles published in 1936. The case study shows that translators often create new options instead of simply choosing between existing ones when confronted with norm conflicts. The article concludes with a call for more research on the multiplicity of norms and the complexity of translation behaviours.


