
The Beauty of Lyrical and Narrative Poetry-A Study of the Literariness of Watson's Translation of Song Dynasty Poet Su Shi

  • 摘要: 苏轼作品在英语世界的翻译以及文化文学再构,展示了中国学(中国研究、汉学)在西方发展的过程、方向和趋势。本文聚焦美国汉学家华兹生对苏轼诗歌的翻译,探究译文的文学性以及译本在美国汉学界的影响。宋诗的特质体现在抒情性和叙事性,这两种特质在苏轼诗歌中的表现尤为明显。华兹生翻译苏轼的诗歌,把握译诗的抒情与叙事性,这样的翻译更靠近西方现代诗歌传统,对于英语读者来说,更符合他们的阅读习惯和阅读兴趣。因此,译诗体现抒情性和叙事性的特质,既忠实了原诗,又能被英语读者接受。苏轼作品兼有抒情与叙事,在中西文化交流中具备典型意义。


    Abstract: The translation of Su Shi, or Su Dongpo, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty, and his literary and cultural reconstruction in the West give testimony to how China Studies (or Sinology) in Western countries has been developing and how it is likely to evolve in the future. This study focuses on the translation of Su Shi by Burton Watson from the perspective of lyricism and narrativity, aiming to explore the literary features and influence of Watson's Su Shi translation over American Sinological scholarship. Song poetry is basically characterized by its features of lyricism and narrativity, which are typically found in Su Shi's works. Watson's translation of Su faithfully reproduces those two features of Su's poems, which in fact seem very much akin to the modern lyric and narrative tradition of the West. Hence, Watson's Su Shi becomes readily digestable and acceptable to his English-language readers. Su's being the most representative lyrical and narrative poet of the Song Dynasty, the dissemination and reception of his works among Western audiences can be seen as a token of effective exchange between Chinese and Western literatures and cultures in the contemporary times.


