
Text, Non-text, and Language Resources: The Processes and Products of Crowdsourced Translation

  • 摘要: 众包翻译模式给传统翻译界带来冲击和挑战,重新定义了翻译环境、方式、过程,以及译者的行为和角色。本文从语篇的角度出发,指出众包翻译因其任务分割的性质,解构了传统意义上的"语篇"。众包中的语篇,不再是一致的连贯的表意整体,而是可以被不断切分,甚至到达比语素还要小的单位。因此,众包翻译的研究也不应只仅限于对结果的评述,而应该重视翻译过程中产出的各种"语篇"和"非语篇"。这些语篇碎片,可以通过不同的众包任务模式,转化为供语言服务、本地化、语言研究、主题研究等使用的语料库语言资源,促进翻译技术的多样化发展。同时,众包过程产生的语言资源还可为研究译者风格提供便利,进而对全球译者资源进行整合,发扬多语言译文的文化特色。


    Abstract: Crowdsourced translation has impacted on and is also bringing challenges to the traditional translation industry. This new translation model has redefined the working environment, methods, and processes of translation, as well as translators' behaviors and roles. From a text-linguistic perspective, crowdsourcing, given its task-segmentation nature, subverts the traditional concept of "text". Texts in crowdsourcing are no longer a unified whole that represents coherent meaning. Instead, texts can be divided and subdivided into increasingly smaller segments, sometimes even smaller than morphemes. As such, when crowdsourced translation is being studied, "texts" and "non-texts" as by-products of the translation procedure should be given the same amount of attention as translation products. The by-product-texts can serve as quality language resources for building up corpuses for language services, localization, language research, and theme research to promote the diversification of translation technologies. Meanwhile, these language resources can facilitate the analysis of translators' styles and leverage the translator resources globally to unfold the cultural characteristics of the translated texts of multiple languages.


