
Schema-instantiation: Toward a New Text Development Pattern

  • 摘要: 本文基于认知心理学的图式理论和认知语法的图式-实例思想,提出图式-实例化语篇发展模式。该模式将一个语篇看作是由图式信息和实例信息两部分组成的。从图式到实例的语篇组织模式是图式-实例认知方式在语篇谋篇构架中的投射。语篇的发展是通过图式-实例化模式实现的。该模式的运作机制为:自上而下,以上统下,以下释上,上下贯通。事实表明,该模式对记叙、论说等不同体裁的语篇的发展均有较强的解释力。


    Abstract: The current study, based on the schema theory in Cognitive Psychology and the notion of schema-instance in Cognitive Grammar, proposes a new text development pattern named “schema-instantiation". Within the framework of the pattern, a text is composed of two parts, schematic information and instance information; the development pattern of the text is the mapping of the schema-instance cognitive routine onto the organization and progress of the text; and the text develops in the pattern of schema-instantiation. The mechanism of the development goes as follows: from top (schema) to bottom (instance), the top dominates the bottom, the bottom elaborates the top, top and bottom are coherent. It turns out that the pattern of schema-instantiation is of greater explanatory power for narrative and expository texts.


