
Embracing Technology: Developments in Research Focuses and Methods of TPR and Its TheoriesA Review of Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research

  • 摘要: 2021年出版的论文集《实证翻译过程研究探索》(Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research)是翻译过程研究(TPR)“拥抱技术”的典范。该书分为四大部分,内容涵盖翻译技术背景下的翻译努力和质量、翻译熵、翻译单位和难度、后认知主义视角下的TPR。该书从实证和理论两方面拓展了TPR,其中在字幕翻译译后编辑努力、翻译单位和翻译难度的关系、翻译过程数据库应用、译后编辑努力测量指标等内容和方法层面的拓展值得关注,从后认知主义生态赋使理论视角对翻译过程的阐释也为TPR提供了新思考。


    Abstract: Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research published in 2021 is an exemplary collection of studies on Translation Process Research (TPR) featured by technology. It includes four parts, ranging from translation technology, quality and effort to translation entropy, and from translation segmentation and difficulty to TPR in post-cognitivism. It profiles the new developments of TPR in research focuses by highlighting the research on subtitle post-editing (PE) effort and the relationship between translation unit and difficulty, and in research methods by featuring its further application of CRITT TPR-DB and some new PE effort measurements. It also presents theoretical reflections on TPR drawing on the theory of affordances in post-cognitivism. Therefore, the book considerably promotes TPR in both empirical and theoretical approaches.


