
Resetting the Educational Philosophy and Restructuring Learning Content to Implement Morality Cultivation in Foreign Language Course Instruction

  • 摘要: 本文首先简述"立德树人"、课程思政对大学英语服务人才培养提出的新要求、新目标,提出大学英语教师应该在人才培养、教师能力、教学理念、教学路径等方面都要更新理念,扎实树立全人教育目标。实践上,以重构教学内容为抓手,全面推动教师教学理念与教学路径的更新,推进教师专业知识系统的更新以提升教师的育人能力和专业能力。教学内容重构,教材建设是关键的一环。


    Abstract: Lide Shuren morality cultivation in "College English" ask for a resetting of the philosophy of university education, course instruction, teacher qualifications, etc., to fulfill the goal of holistic education. The key is to raise the teachers' morality cultivation awareness, to improve their competencies professionally and pedagogically so that they will be willing and qualified to do the resetting. To meet the new needs, teaching material development in the light of the proportion of Chinese culture and morality cultivation ingredients might be the most practical and effective effort to be made by all those concerned.


