
Right Periphery Particle Hao (嚎) in Northeastern Mandarin:Layered Structure and Its Epistemic Stance in Talk-in-Interaction

  • 摘要: 本文在言语互动框架下,利用"洋葱皮模型"和"认识梯度理论"分析了东北方言的右边缘独用语气词"嚎",考察了"嚎字句"的结构特点与认识立场。以往的研究把"嚎"视为"句末语气助词",没有从层次角度细化出"嚎"与其他"句末语气助词"之间操作范围与话语功能的差异。本文提出,与其他句末语气词不同,"嚎"是附加在话语最外围、独立性与互动性最强的"独词附加问句",是一种"话语语气词"。本文还在认识梯度视角下,提出"嚎字句"是说话人站在较低的认识立场上,寻求受话人对自述言谈内容的确认、认同或支持性回应。与"寻求信息"的其他问句相比,"嚎字句"是"寻求认识一致性"的一种言语互动手段,突显的是请求受话人参与并校验共同立场的互动功能。在讲述性语体中,"嚎"作为停顿标记,具有同样的话语功能。


    Abstract: This paper investigates the rightmost peripheral particle hao(嚎)in Northeastern Mandarin in the Onion Skin Model and stance-taking function in the framework of epistemic gradient, attempting at a unified account of hao-sentence in different discourse contexts. Hao is generally regarded as a sentence final particle (SFP),but this paper proposes, unlike ba(吧), ne (呢), and ma (吗),which are used as SFP, hao is an utterance/discourse final particle (UFP),which appears at the right periphery of utterance, and is used as one-word tag question in the talk-in-interaction. In addition, this paper proposes the hao-sentence is one of stance taking strategies, which positions or downgrades speaker himself in a subordinate epistemic stance in the meantime indexes the relative epistemic authority of the recipient. The function of hao-sentence is seeking confirmation, or seeking/moblizing agreement or supportive response from the recipient, depending on the different epistemic status of the interlocutors in the conversation. Hao-sentence is not so much requirement of information as seeking alignment in epistemic stance. In the narrative, which is an asymmetric type of conversation, hao used as pause particle (topic marker) exhibits the identical functions of epistemic ticker and engagement invitation.


