
Study of Discourse on Translating Chinese Literature Since 1949

  • 摘要: 1949年新中国成立至今,国内外中国文学外译的实践产生了大量直接和间接有关中国文学翻译的一套认识、陈述和知识。它们广泛存在于各类文本之中,构成了中译外文学翻译话语的知识仓库。本文认为它应该作为一个独立的研究领域,围绕行为者、产品、事件和范畴四个方面,综合使用文本分析、阐释学、社会学、口述史和语料库等方法与手段,展开共时和历时的研究,这对丰富中国翻译话语的内涵,构建具有中国气派和中国风格的翻译话语体系,指导中国文学翻译实践具有重要的价值和意义。


    Abstract: After the founding of New China in 1949, the translation of Chinese literature commenced in large quantities at home and abroad. Accordingly, voluminous meta-discourses have been produced, which formed an expansive body of concepts, statements and knowledge about what, how and why to translate. It exists in a wide range of texts, generating a knowledge repertory for translating Chinese literature. This article argues that such a huge body of knowledge about translating Chinese literature deserves to be treated as an independent area for critical interrogation, which is suggested to be conducted from both synchronic and diachronic dimensions, centering on agents, products, events and categories, by resorting to an assortment of methods including textual analysis, hermeneutics, sociology, oral history, corpus linguistics, to name just a few. This integral and systemic study will enrich Chinese discourses on translation, constructing a translation discourse system with local characteristics, and guiding the practice thereof.


