
The Image of Huawei Corporation in the English Translations of Sustainable Development Report

  • 摘要: 本文依据Fairclough的批评话语分析理论及其三维话语分析模型,采用语料库方法,从高频实词、关键词和情态动词的应用等角度,描写了华为公司《可持续发展报告》(2008-2017)英译文本的语言特征及其塑造的华为公司形象,探讨了华为公司形象背后的意识形态因素。研究表明,华为公司《可持续发展报告》英译本所塑造的华为公司形象主要表现为务实、进取、亲民,注重环保,以人为本,顾客至上等特征。笔者认为这些特征的形成不仅与华为公司本身的所思所想和所作所为有关,而且也与译者翻译策略和方法的应用相关。


    Abstract: This paper, drawing upon the three-dimensional discourse analysis model proposed by Fairclough, describes the linguistic features of the English translations of Sustainable Development Report of Huawei (2008-2017), and analyzes the image of Huawei in the translations from the perspectives of high-frequency words, keywords and modal verbs.The research shows that the image of Huawei is pragmatic, enterprising, approachable, and giving priority to environmental protection and the well-being of people in the English translations of Sustainable Development Report of Huawei.It is argued that the image of Huawei corporation is not only attributable to what Huawei has thought and done, but also to the translator's use of translation strategies and methods.


