
On the Objectification and Boundarization of Chinese “(Da) Yue

  • 摘要: 鉴于大多数介词由动词演变而来,本文假设:动词“约”逐渐呈介词化趋势,现已基本具备介词与副词同一化形态。本文利用汉语历时和共时数据库,通过对汉语“约”(大约)进行历时和共时考察,发现现有的有关“约”的研究存在着不确定性甚至矛盾,于是从主体与客体的关系变化、句子历时演变的长度变化以及介词演变的基本语法化过程等方面,揭示出汉语“约”(大约)经历了一个语法化过程,即在形式上通过边界化趋势、在语义上通过客体化趋势、结构上通过次级化和降级化趋势,在句子构建的长度上实现变化,进而实现“(大)约”的介词化历程,由此揭示了“(大)约”的介词化动因及其演变机制。该机制是:“约”通过客体化实现主体脱落。其动因是:边界化的实现使得形式边缘化。该研究为进一步研究语法化和介词化以及相关语法问题提供了一个简单可行的解释机制,并对这一假设机制提供了有效验证。


    Abstract: Most prepositions evolve from verbs. However, previous researches have rarely indicated that the Chinese "Yue" has been prepositionalized, though it shares the same structure as the Chinese "Zai" which is considered as a preposition. This has caused a conflict in analyzing the same grammatical structure. To fix this problem, this paper investigates into the word "(Da)Yue" diachronically and synchronically based on the Chinese Corpus from the perspectives of the changing relationship between the subject and the object, the diachronic change of the sentential length, and the grammaticalization process of prepositions. The investigation shows that "Yue" is not necessarily the abbreviation of "Da Yue", and that "Yue" has experienced a process of grammaticalization. This process includes a semantic objectification, a morphological boundarization, and a structural subordination and degradation. To conclude, the Chinese verb "Yue" tends to be prepositionalized and now has been unified as both a preposition and an adverb. This research has testified an applicable and simple mechanism for grammaticalization, prepositionalization and so on.


