
On Language Innovation in Literary Translation

  • 摘要: 无论古今中外,翻译始终是促进语言生长的重要路径。促成语言的革新与创新是翻译的一大价值。但语言创新并非易事,翻译在引入有异于目的语的新词汇与新表达方式的同时,会遭遇来自目的语的抵抗,原语风格越是独特,“抗译性”越强。为了令目的语经受住翻译的锤炼,获得拓展与更新的可能,翻译一方面应重视文学语言所携带的“抗译性”,力戒以通顺、流畅之名去“抹平”原作语言的特质;另一方面应理解与处理好“翻译腔”与“外语性”的关系,努力保留原作在词语、句式、叙事等多层面的异质性,担负起传达差异、开拓语言空间、再现原作文学性、丰富文化的使命。


    Abstract: Translation is,and always has been,an important pathway for language development.Fostering language innovation is one of the great values of translation,but it is not easy to achieve language innovation in translation,for the introduction of neologisms and new expressions in translation is to meet with resistance from the target language.The more original they are,the greater resistance they encounter in translation.In order to maintain the possibility of language innovation while sustaining the impact of translation,we need to pay enough attention to the translation-resistance of literary language,refraining from "smoothing out" the qualities of the original language in the name of smoothness and fluency.And we also need to well understand and reconcile "translationese" and "linguistic foreigness",trying to preserve the heterogeneity in lexicon,syntax,narrative and other aspects of the original work,so as to help translation fulfil its mission of conveying differences,opening up space for language innovation,reproducing the literariness of the original work,and enriching the culture.


