
Historiography of Translation in the West and Its Relevance to Current Translation Studies (TS) Research in the Chinese Context

  • 摘要: 文章以西方翻译史学研究为主题,围绕翻译本质、翻译原则、翻译方法和译者角色等翻译研究中的基本问题,透过对西方翻译史学在相关问题上研究成果和研究方法的挖掘、梳理和分析,对西方翻译史学研究的意涵及其对整体翻译研究关联价值展开讨论,就相关研究主题以及由此引发的与当下关联的热点译学问题,提出作者的个人思想和主张。


    Abstract: This is a historiographical study of translation in the West,focusing on how such fundamental issues as "the nature of translation","the principles and methods of translation" and "the role of the agency of translation" have been dealt with throughout history and on their implications to present-day translation studies in the West.Starting from an ethno-convergent view of translation studies,which the author has all along been arguing for,the paper posits the relevance of the historiogaphical study of translation in the West to studies in the current Chinese TS field,and that an open-mindedness in TS research,i.e.,a scholarly attitude that is neither Eurocentric nor Sinocentric,will be beneficial to TS development in the Chinese context and beyond.


