
Criticism as Event and Construction of Translation Theory

  • 摘要: 翻译批评具有沟通翻译理论与翻译实践并促使两者实现互动的功能,对翻译理论建设而言意义重大。本文借助事件理论的相关概念,以我国翻译批评史上产生了广泛影响的《红与黑》汉译讨论和当下正在发生的中国文学外译批评为例,一方面深入分析具有事件性的翻译批评在翻译理论的建构与深化中所发挥的积极作用,另一方面从契机、驱动力、主体等维度探寻翻译批评事件得以构建的主客观要素,以期促使翻译批评更好地展现其应有价值。


    Abstract: Translation criticism has a pivotal role in bringing forth translation theory,not only as a bond between theory and practice,but a device conducive to their interplay.By recourse to event theory's key concepts,this article focuses on the discussion of the Chinese translation of Le rouge et le noir,a major event in China's history of translation criticism,and on translation criticism on overseas translation of Chinese literature.It tries to pinpoint the active part that translation criticism plays as an event in the construction and consolidation of translation theory,as well as the elements which mould translation criticism into an event,such as opportunity,driving force and subject,so that translation criticism may better achieve its due value.


