
The Medial Turn and Multimodal Translation Studies

  • 摘要: 翻译研究长期以来以语言研究为中心,但实际上文本并非只有语言一种模态,在媒介形态与方式日趋丰富复杂的语境下,翻译研究有必要探索其他模态符号在翻译过程中意义的构建与转换。本文从多模态及多模态翻译的概念及意义出发,回溯多模态翻译研究的历史,陈述媒介转向之下多模态翻译研究的必要性与重要性,界定其内涵、类型及特征,同时阐明相关研究的基本问题以及研究方法。


    Abstract: Translation studies as an academic discipline has long been focusing on interlingual translation theories and practices.However, with the ‘medial turn’ in its disciplinary development, which is characterized by multiple forms of texts and integrated ways of communication, translation studies are now faced with the challenge to account for meaning production and transmission in inter-or multi-semiotic translation practices.This article sets out to theorize multimodal translation studies in the context of ‘medial turn’, by giving its history and definition, specifying its types in a systematic manner, mapping its research scope, and introducing current research methodologies concerning multimodal translation studies.


