
A Review on Clause Combining Studies

  • 摘要: 小句整合是近年来语言学界研究的热点之一。基于复杂句的三分句间格局,西方语言学家总结出“并列 > 主从 > 从属”这一小句整合斜坡。本文通过详细考察主从关系复杂句,发现主从关系内部应进一步在语义上区分是双向依附(主从关系1)还是单向依附(主从关系2),从而构成“并列 > 主从2 > 主从1 > 从属”小句整合的斜坡。针对国内研究存在句子整合和语法化的杂糅问题,本文认为,小句整合作为句子结构的语法化,其与词汇项和语法项的语法化之间没有必然的引起和被引起的关联。最后,文章还对汉语学界有关小句整合的研究进行了述评,并指出需要进一步深入系统挖掘汉语小句整合的路径、模式、动因和句法-语义表现等问题。


    Abstract: Clause combining (CC) has received remarkable attention from linguists in recent years.Based on the canonical tripartite division of complex sentences, western linguists proposed a cline of clause combining as ‘coordination > cosubordination > subordination’.Through a detailed investigation of the cosubordinate complex sentences, this paper proposes a further division of cosubordination into bidirectional (cosubordination I) vs.mono-directional (cosubordination Ⅱ) dependence; therefore, the paradigm becomes ‘coordination > cosubordination Ⅱ > cosubordination I > subordination’.Instead of treating CC and grammaticalization as if they were blended, just as has been the case of most existing traditional researches, this paper regards the dynamic procedures of CC as the structural grammaticalization of clauses during which the lexical-to-grammatical or grammatical-to-more-grammatical evolutions are highly likely to co-occur.Finally,the paper also provides some comments about the CC researches by Chinese grammarians and proposes future research directions.


