
Embedded Implicature: An Unresolved Issue in Conversational Implicature Theory

  • 摘要: 基于合作原则推导而来的后命题会话含义可以内嵌在句子逻辑词范畴内,构成真值条件命题的一部分。这种“内嵌含义”对格赖斯会话含义理论提出挑战,并构成当前诸多语法和语用模式热议的焦点。本文分析指出,内嵌含义的语法解释生成过度而语用解释生成不足,二者均尚未解决这一理论难题。对内嵌含义的进一步阐释有赖于研究对象范围的拓展、实证研究方法的革新,以及语法-语用互动解释模式的探索。


    Abstract: It has been noticed that post-propositional conversational implicature can be embedded under the scope of logical operator and contributes to the truth-conditional propositional meaning.This type of embedded implicature is at issue with Gricean conversational implicature theory and has become a focus in the current theoretical debates over grammatical and pragmatic approaches.This paper presents a critical review of the existent literature on embedded implicature, and points out that the grammatical view is over-generating and pragmatic view under-generating.Furthermore, it claims that a further understanding of embedded implicature relies on broadening the research scope, innovating the empirical research paradigm, and exploring a model based on the interaction between grammar and pragmatics.


