
Rectification and Reconstruction-A Research on the Translation Activities in the Founding of CPC

  • 摘要: 百年党史,即一部通过翻译马克思主义理论唤醒民众,结合中国革命实践,领导人民实现伟大复兴的历史。以陈独秀、李大钊为代表的先进知识分子在译介马克思主义过程中,选择正确的政治立场,成长为坚定的马克思主义者和无产阶级革命家。这一群体不断拓宽对马克思主义的译介,厘清不同时期对Communist的译名,塑造其形象,并在宣传马克思主义理论、建立共产党、领导工人运动的实践中,正本清源,完整明晰地建构并塑造了共产党的先进形象。


    Abstract: In the centenary history, the CPC has successfully led the people toward great national rejuvenation through translating, internalizing, and disseminating Marxism in combination with the Chinese revolution. Pioneer intellectuals have become firm believers of Marxism and proletarian revolutionists under the influence of Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. They constantly expand the translation of Marxist theories and rectify the Chinese equivalents and images of communists imprinted by translators at different times. Therefore, a positive image of the Communist Party has been clarified and reconstructed in the revolutionary practice of disseminating Marxism, the founding of CPC, and the launching of labor movement.


