文学翻译: 看透, 译不译透?——基于李锡胤与孙致礼汉译《老人与海》对比剖析

Literary Translation: Complete Comprehension Entails Thorough Translation?——A Comparative Analysis of Li Xiyin's and Sun Zhili's Chinese Translations of The Old Man and the Sea

  • 摘要: 文学翻译要看透文学性,后者也应如实译出。本文借《老人与海》首段汉译的对比分析,指出是否译透在于译者境界。译透以对译为主,其他全译六法为辅;不译透可选择减译。不译透不等于未译透;未译透分过透和欠透两种,均有悖于全译追求“极似”之道。


    Abstract: Literary translation requires a complete comprehension of literariness, which in turn entails a faithful reproduction in the target text. Based on a comparative study on the two Chinese translations of the first paragraph in The Old Man and the Sea, the paper argues that a thorough translation of a literary piece, largely determined by the translator's realm, is mainly achieved by his/her adoption of correspondence with the supplementation of other six methods of Complete Translation, i. e., addition, reduction, transposition, conversion, combination, division and combination. Reduction may be used for the source literary text not to be translated thoroughly. "Not to be translated thoroughly" does not mean "unthorough translation", which can be divided into too thorough translation and lack of thorough translation, both against the principle of pursuing "maximum similarity" in Complete Translation.


