
Frontiers in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Research in Foreign Languages: A Survey of Reports Delivered at the 2021 Forum Sponsored by Journal of Foreign Languages

  • 摘要: 2021年4月22~24日,由上海外国语大学《外国语》编辑部主办、深圳大学外国语学院合办的“外国语言学及应用语言学前沿问题高层论坛暨2021年《外国语》选题研讨会”在深圳大学举行;本文试图概述本次论坛上各位专家学者发言涉及的主要内容,具体议题包括:我国语言学发展之路、应用语言学研究前沿进展、语用学研究发展态势、话语语言学与认知语言学研究新路径、语言本体与语言学元研究理论探索等。这对我国外语界同仁在今后的外国语言学及应用语言学研究中立足时代、接轨来来而合理选题具有积极的参考价值。


    Abstract: "The Annual Top Forum on Frontiers of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Research in Foreign Languages in China", initiated and sponsored by Journal of Foreign Languages at Shanghai International Studies University, was held at the University of Shenzhen during April 22-24 2021. This paper makes a survey of the themes delivered at the Forum, including the development of linguistics in contemporary China, the frontiers of Applied Linguistics, the status quo of Pragmatics, new approaches to Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistics, and explorations in Chinese language studies and in theoretical linguistics. Based on the needs of the times, Journal of Foreign Languages aims to provide insights and directions for future research in linguistics and applied linguistics in foreign languages in China.


