
The Translation and Dissemination of Oscar Wilde in the Russian Silver Age (1892-1917)

  • 摘要: 英国唯美主义的代表作家奥斯卡·王尔德在白银时代开始进入俄罗斯读者的视野,成为当时最受欢迎的外国作家之一,他的作品翻译也在这一时期迅速达到高峰。受到白银时代的文化语境的制约和影响,俄罗斯对王尔德的译介延续了其强势的文学翻译传统,并和本国的文学发展进程形成颇有意味的同构关系。从译介学角度梳理王尔德在白银时代的传播路线不仅是对其俄罗斯翻译史的回溯,也能从中发现翻译活动与诸多社会文化因素复杂而微妙的关系,对世界文学和国际文化交流语境下的翻译研究具有启示作用。


    Abstract: Oscar Wilde, a representative writer of British aestheticism, won familiarity among Russian readers in the Silver Age.With him becoming one of the most popular foreign writers at that time, the translation of his works also reached its peak rapidly.Constrained and influenced by the cultural context of that era, it displayed the continuation of a dominant Russian literary translation tradition and formed an isomorphic relationship with the Russian literature development.This paper mainly studies the translations of Wilde's works in the Silver Age from the perspective of Medio-translatology.Being not only a retrospect of the translation history of his works in Russia, but also an exploration of the complex and subtle relationship between translation activities and other social and cultural factors, it intends to shed light on the study of translation in the context of world literature and international cultural communication.


