
Shifting the Focus from Learning from the West to Leaning on the Tradition: A Reflection on Constructing the Discourse System of Translation Studies with Chinese Characteristics

  • 摘要: 中国翻译研究取得了辉煌成就,但中国特色翻译研究话语体系建设尚有某些不足。本文分析了中国翻译研究现状,认为目前其话语生产方式主要仍是"借鸡生蛋",但全方位引进西方理论也导致了某些消极后果,致使我们的话语方式民族特色不够鲜明。为此,我们应更重视借镜传统,从传统中汲取优秀思想资源,形成自己独特的话语方式,构建更具独立性的中国特色翻译研究话语体系。接着分析了中国特色翻译研究话语生产的某些不足,并提出了几点建议,尤其强调了马克思主义哲学的重要指导作用。


    Abstract: Great achievements have been made in Chinese translation studies, but problems still exist in the construction of the discourse system with Chinese characteristics.This paper analyzes the development of Chinese translation studies and finds that its theoretical discourse has been produced mainly by means of "borrowing chickens to lay eggs", or learning from the West.This, however, has led to some negative consequences, the most serious of which is that our theoretical discourse is short of distinctive Chinese characteristics.Therefore, the focus should be shifted from learning from the West to leaning on our tradition.Only by drawing more on the Chinese traditional philosophy, can we produce more distinctive theoretical discourses and build a more distinctive Chinese discourse system.Then several suggestions are offered for the construction of the discourse system, among which the role of Marxist philosophy is especially emphasized.


