它山之石可以攻玉: 从文本发生学到翻译发生学

From Genetic Criticism to Genetic Translation Studies

  • 摘要: 文本发生学是研究者从作者笔记、记录、便条、短笺、往来信函、批注、计划、方案、草稿、誊清的稿子等繁杂的前文本重建作品写作过程的研究。发生学作为人文科学研究的新视角和新路径,同时具备认识论与方法论的双重意义。20世纪90年代,其研究方法被引入翻译过程研究。本文拟对近60年翻译发生学及其前身文本发生学国内外的发展做一回顾,认为国内翻译界可在译本挖掘角度、组织机构团队化、手稿编目技术规范、数字化建设、手稿鉴定、计算机分析工具、学术刊物创办和举办学术会议诸方面吸收国外同行的先进经验,促进翻译发生学的发展,为翻译学研究开辟出新的路径和天地。


    Abstract: Genetic criticism refers to the reconstruction of writing process based on the examination of miscellaneous information resources that bear the trace of a text's creation, such as author's notes, correspondence letters, annotations, plans, sketches, drafts, papers, manuscripts and typesets, etc. Significant in terms of epistemology and methodology for translation studies, it was introduced into the field to discuss translation process and translator's subjectivity. To break new path for translation studies, scholars in China are advised to learn from their foreign colleagues in text encoding initiative, manuscript digitization and manuscript forensics, and put efforts in developing computational analyzing tools, starting academic journals, holding conferences and establishing manuscript research organizations.


