
The Review of Prosody-Syntax Interface Research in the Past Two Decades

  • 摘要: 近二十年来,韵律-句法接口成为语言学理论研究的热点,视角多元,成果丰硕。本文通过梳理该领域的重要成果,概括出两大前沿动态:一方面,该领域的主流研究依然秉持从句法到韵律的单向界面观,其代表性理论直接参照假说和间接参照假说各自结合最简方案的语段理论,为句法-韵律映射提供了新的运作模式。但更为重要的是,众多研究在句法和韵律关系上取得观念性突破,提出韵律影响句法的双向互动观,具体表现为韵律制约句法结构和韵律激活句法运作观点的不断壮大。这两大趋势互相争锋,螺旋式向前推进,对于破解句法难题、重新审视当前语法理论整体架构具有积极的意义。


    Abstract: The study of prosody-syntax interface has become a hot topic in the past two decades.By reviewing important publications in the area, this paper generalizes two major trends:on the one hand, mainstream research still holds the uni-directional view between syntax and phonology, of which the Direct Reference Theory and the Indirect Reference Theory, have all adopted Minimalist assumptions and formulated their new model for syntax-prosody mapping; on the other hand, some research upholds the bi-directional interactional view and emphasizes the influence of prosody on syntax, which can be revealed by the proposals of prosodically-constrained syntax and prosodically-motivated syntactic operation.The two trends move forward spirally and both contribute to resolving many tricky issues as well as rethinking on the architecture of grammar.


