
Reinterpretation of the Features of Contemporary Chinese Translation Theories-A Historical Symptomatic Reading of Collected Essays on Translation by Luo Xinzhang

  • 摘要: 本文对罗新璋先生主编的《翻译论集》(1984)所收5篇代表性文本(1949-1966)进行历史症候阅读,重释中国当代翻译理论的特征。历史症候阅读法是一种深层语境化阅读法,旨在通过历史文本具有的症候,探寻它们之间隐秘的互文关系,考察文本背后历史主体的“以言行事”,以此揭示历史文本在特定语境下的声音。研究发现,《翻译论集》坚持“中国翻译理论差异说”的问题式,这限制了其提出的问题和寻找的答案。本文提出“实践—观念互动论”的问题式,认为《翻译论集》藏有另外一种中国当代翻译理论的声音。本文对重新认识中国翻译理论的特征有一定的启示作用,在研究方法上也有一定的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: With a historical symptomatic reading of the five texts (published in the 1949-to-1966 period) from Collected Essays on Translation edited by Luo Xinzhang, this article aims at reinterpreting the features of contemporary Chinese translation theories.The method of reading proposed here, a synthesis of multiple theoretical sources, is applied to explore the implicit intertextuality through analyzing the symptoms inherent in a text, so as to highlight the performative aspects of textual production by subjects in history, and further to release the polyphonic voices once inhibited.The research finds that the problematic of "distinctive Chinese translation theories" upheld by Luo's edited collection set a limitation to the questions it can raise and the answers it is supposed to find.This article, in contrast, proposes the problematic of "interaction between practice and conception", arguing that another voice has been largely silenced in Luo's collection.To conclude, this article contributes to an alternative understanding of the features of contemporary Chinese translation theories and the value of the historical symptomatic reading as a method.


