
“Creative Treason” as a Travelling Theory and Its Changed Connotations: A Study on the Classic Term in Medio-Translatology of Comparative Literature

  • 摘要: “创造性叛逆”曾引发了诸多讨论,然而从学术史角度梳理此一术语的来龙去脉的文章还未出现。本文聚焦其在原语境中的复杂内涵,对其在不同学科语境中的内涵转变做出分析。研究发现“创造性叛逆”从法语trahison créatrice到日语“創造的裏切り”,再到中文“创造性叛逆”,内涵上发生了微妙的转变。它在埃斯卡皮那里主要指读者对外国文学作品的与原作者意图不一致的理解。到了大冢幸男和韦斯坦因那里,它被阐释为译者的翻译过程。谢天振接过这一术语后对其进行了重新定义,将其引介到翻译界,使之成为了热门术语。“创造性叛逆”在不同语境中的内涵变迁及所引发的争论,典型地说明了其被“创造性叛逆”地接受的事实。这一事实为我们深入认识翻译和跨文化交际的复杂性提供了一个经典案例,为我们重新审视译介学的理论体系提供了一个切入口。


    Abstract: The term "creative treason" brought about a lot of discussions, and many studies have been carried out on it.Yet a study from historical perspective is still lacking.This paper focuses on its complicated connotations in the original context, and analyzes the changed connotations in the contexts of different disciplines.It points out that as an important term in translation studies and comparative literature, the "creative treason" originated from the French phrase "trahison créatrice" before being translated into the Japanese term 創造的裏切り and the Chinese term 创造性叛逆.Its connotations and contexts changed remarkably when travelling through different countries and languages.It involved double meanings when Escarpit created it in French.One was the readers' treasonable understandings of literary works from foreign countries, the other was the translation.Otsuka Yukio(大塚幸男), Weisstein, Sun Jingyao and other scholars, all explained it as a mode of translational action.The most important change occurred after Xie Tianzhen's engagement, and its connotations were altered markedly by Xie.Xie took it into the translation studies field in China and made a lasting impact.The changes of the "creative treason" in connotations and its contexts reflected different understandings of different scholars on translation, especially on the literary translation, which is thought-provoking.


