An Empirical Study of Third Language Acquisition of English Reflexive Binding by Uyghur Speakers
摘要: 本研究采用强制性句子接受度判断任务调查了本族语(L1)为维吾尔语、二语(L2)为汉语的学习者对三语(L3)英语反身代词指称先行语的习得情况,重点验证当前三语习得领域关于语言迁移的几个重要理论模型。研究结果显示,两组不同L3水平的学习者均较好地习得了双宾句主语先行语以及先行语的c统制约束条件,同时,无论L3水平高低,学习者都受到其汉语(L2)反身代词负迁移的影响,错误地接受了英语反身代词指称长距离主语。实验结果支持二语地位模型。文章进而探讨了维吾尔族学习者三语习得英语反身代词指称过程中的语言迁移特征及可能因素。Abstract: The study investigates how Uyghur speakers with Mandarin as their second language acquire L3 English reflexive binding.The results show that while learners acquire subject antecedents in double object constructions and the c-commanding requirement of antecedents, they incorrectly allow for long-distance binding of English reflexives to subject antecedents, probably under the transfer effect of their second language Mandarin reflexive, in support of the L2 Status Factor view.The paper discusses the implications of the findings on possible language transfer sources in third language acquisition.