《西游记》蓝诗玲英译本中译述策略的运用 ——兼论译述对典籍外译的意义

On the Application of Trans-Rewriting in Julia Lovell’s English Translation of Xi You Ji and the Significance of Trans-Rewriting for Translating Traditional Chinese Classics

  • 摘要: 译述是一种对于典籍翻译具有重要意义的翻译策略。作为《西游记》节译本之代表,《猴王:西游记》(Monkey King: Journey to the West)用有限的篇幅,向读者讲述了原作故事的精髓。通过文本的细读与分析发现,该译本的译者蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell)运用译述的翻译策略,通过融合韵文与散文、再造幽默元素、泛化东西方文化差异等途径,直接介入对原作的重构,产出了面向英语世界读者且广受其赞誉的译本。


    Abstract: Trans-rewriting is a strategy significant for translating traditional Chinese classics.Monkey King: Journey to the West, as one of the abridged English translations of Xi You Ji, recounted the essential part of the original story to the audience within limited space.A close reading and analysis of the source and target texts reveal that by adopting trans-rewriting as the translation strategy, Julia Lovell, the translator, turned into prose much of the verse in the original work, recreated a sense of humor that is lost during interlingual translation and reduced the disparity between Eastern and Western culture in her translation.As a result, she has directly intervened into the reconstruction of Xi You Ji and produced Monkey King: Journey to the West, a reworking that targets the readers in the English-speaking world, among whom it is widely appreciated.


