Linguistic Deviation, Literariness, and the International Image of Chinese Literature — A Case Study on the English Translation of YAN Lianke’s Novels
摘要: 海外中国文学形象在很大程度上取决于译本呈现的文学价值和艺术水平,离不开译作的文学性,而文学性与变异紧密相关。本文将利奇对诗歌变异性表达的八种分类引入小说研究,探讨它们在中国当代小说英译本中的再现情况。笔者发现,英汉语言及文化的差异的确给译者带来困难和挑战,但译者的翻译动机和态度也对译本的文学性再现造成较大影响。虽然文学作品的海外接受效果受到方方面面因素的影响,翻译质量的提升并不必然改善作品的海外接受,但是文学效果是否得到再现,译作是否具有文学性,必然影响海外读者对中国文学形象的认知,具有文学性和艺术价值的文学译作是我们在海外树立良好中国文学形象的先决条件。Abstract: The international image of Chinese literature is to a large extent dependent on the literary merit or literariness of the English versions, which is, to some extent, achieved through faithful representation of linguistic deviations in the original works.This article introduces Leech’s eight types of linguistic deviation in poetry into novel studies, and explores the reproduction of them in the English translations of YAN Lianke’s novels, in the hope that the issue of literariness representation in translation can be researched in a more systematic manner.Case studies suggest that, besides linguistic and cultural differences between Chinese and English, the translators’ motivations and attitudes toward contemporary Chinese literature can also impact translation effect as well as the image of Chinese literature as a whole.No one can deny that the reception of literary works in a foreign culture is subject to various factors, and that a version of better translation quality cannot guarantee satisfactory reception among the target readership, but leveling of literary effect in the translation process as a result of erasing language deviations of the originals will often leave an unsatisfactory impression on the target readers.It follows that literariness in its own right in the translated literary works is the prerequisite for a better image of Chinese literature and a more favorable reception.