历史翻译中的叙事重构以道格思译本The Life of Jehghiz Khan为例

Narrative Remodeling in Translating Historical Works: With Case Analysis of Sir Robert K. Douglas’ The Life of Jehghiz Khan

  • 摘要: 历史在文本化过程中,叙事与内容二面一体,历史叙事不仅承载内容,更是撰史者思想意识与历史观的体现。而翻译研究对历史文本的考察,重“内容”轻“形式”,讨论集中于知识迁移、史料存真、术语翻译等,缺少对历史叙事的必要关注,因此难以发现历史文本翻译中更为隐性又关乎主旨的问题,如译者通过改变历史叙事进行细部重写、加入新的历史理解等。本文以英国汉学家道格思(Sir Robert K. Douglas,1838—1913)译本The Life of Jehghiz Khan (《成吉思汗》)为例,以海登•怀特(Hayden White)美学、认识论与道德三个维度相对应的三种叙事策略−情节化解释、形式论证、意识形态蕴涵−为分析框架,揭示译者通过细化故事情节、增加转义认知以及道德评述等文学手段,从审美、认知、伦理三个方面构建新的历史叙事,指出历史翻译远非语言转换,更是通过特定手段构建不同的叙事形式,加入自己的历史理解。希望本研究为历史文本翻译的考察提供案例参考,以开启新的思路。


    Abstract: A historical work is a verbal structure in the form of a narrative prose discourse as well as a record of historical events while researches on translating historical works mostly focus on the content (events) rather than the form (structure). This paper presents a case analysis of Sir Robert K. Douglas’ The Life of Jehghiz Khan from the aesthetic, epistemological, and moral dimensions and in terms of the corresponding narrative strategies—explanation by emplotment, formal argument, and explanation by ideological implication. It is concluded that the narrative modes in a historical work might be changed or modified at such levels as aesthetic, cognitive or ethical by the translator in order to draw a different historical landscape or implant his own views of history. It is hoped that this study would inspire further research in the narrative dimension of translating historical works.


