
Guiding Principles for Grammatical Description Informed by Systemic Functional Typology: A Case Study of MOOD

  • 摘要: 随着系统功能类型学理论体系的初步建立,系统功能语法描写逐渐形成了一定的范式。系统功能类型学视阈下的语法描写范式主要体现在五个方面:语法描写基于语篇;采用三维视角;突出自上而下的视角;运用轴线论证的描写模式;探究语言的隐性语法。本文以人际语法中的语气系统为主要例证,对这些描写范式进行逐一说明。


    Abstract: With the preliminary establishment of the theoretical framework for Systemic Functional Typology (SFT), some guiding principles have been formulated for systemic functional grammatical description.SFT-informed grammatical description features five major principles:text-based data compilation, trinocular perspectives, approaching grammar ‘from above’, axial reasoning, and cryptogrammar.This paper explains and illustrates these guiding principles, drawing chiefly on examples from the MOOD system in interpersonal grammar.


