
A Study on the Semantic Processing of Adverbial Modifiers in the English Middle Construction by Chinese English Majors

  • 摘要: 二语加工和习得研究一直受到学界的关注。本文通过行为实验,从二语语义加工的视角出发,以中动结构副词修饰语为研究对象,旨在从整体语义指向加工和语义分类加工两个方面,来研究中国英语专业学生在线加工英语中动结构副词修饰语语义的情况。结果发现,一方面,中国英语专业学生加工中动结构中语义指向正确和错误的副词修饰语时,其正确率和反应时都有显著差异,不同水平的学生加工语义指向不同的副词修饰语的正确率存在显著差异,反应时却无显著差异。另一方面,他们加工中动结构中速度类和价值类副词修饰语时,其正确率和反应时都有显著差异,但不同水平的学生加工语义类型不同的副词修饰语的正确率和反应时都没有显著差异。研究表明,二语加工和习得是一个动态的、复杂的和非线性的过程,母语与二语存在动态竞争关系,并伴随着吸态到斥态的突变。本文认为,二语中动结构副词修饰语语义的加工情况体现了动态性和复杂性,可以运用动态系统理论来架构二语加工和二语习得的桥梁。


    Abstract: The study of second language processing and acquisition has always caused concern among researchers.From the perspective of second language semantic processing, this paper carries out an experimental study to investigate the online semantic processing of adverbial modifiers in the middle constructions by Chinese English majors from two aspects, namely the semantic constraint processing and the semantic types processing.The results show that, on the one hand, when Chinese English majors process adverbial modifiers with correct wrong or semantic constraints in the middle constructions, there are significant differences in the accuracy and reaction time.There are significant differences in the accuracy of processing adverbial modifiers with different semantic constraints among students of different English proficiency, but there is no significant difference in the reaction time.On the other hand, when they process adverbial modifier types of speed and value in the middle constructions, there are significant differences in their accuracy and reaction time, but there is no significant difference in their accuracy and reaction time when they process adverbial modifiers of different semantic types among students of different English proficiency.The study shows that second language processing and acquisition is a dynamic, complex and non-linear process.There is a dynamic competitive relationship between first and second language, which is accompanied by a mutation from attractor states to repeller states.This paper advocates that the semantic processing of adverbial modifiers in English middle constructions is a dynamic and complex process, attempting to apply Dynamic Systems Theory to the construction of a bridge between second language processing and second language acquisition.


