
A Study of Elder Rights Protection Discourses: Definition, Topics and Approaches

  • 摘要: 老年维权已经成为我国老龄化社会热点问题,亟待引起学界广泛关注。文章在梳理国内外现有老年维权研究的基础上,突破以往社会学与法学研究维度,揭示老年维权问题的语言本质,倡导老年维权研究的语言学转向。本文将老年维权话语视为研究对象,阐释其内涵和研究意义;从语言学本体研究和应用研究视角规划开展老年维权话语研究的议题;提出适用于老年维权话语的质性研究路径和整合性多模态研究路径及其具体的语言学分析方法。为语言学研究开辟新的研究领域,阐明老年维权话语研究的现实意义和学术价值,为加强老年人的权益保障和老年语言研究做出贡献。


    Abstract: Recent years have seen growing concerns about elder rights protection issues in the aging society in China, initiating related research.The present paper, breaking through the previous studies from the social and legal perspectives, reveals the linguistic nature of elder rights protection issues, and proposes a linguistic turn in the study of elder rights protection after reviewing the previous studies home and abroad.The definition and significance of elder rights protection discourses are elaborated, and the research topics of elder rights protection discourses are further discussed from the perspectives of ontology and application research.The qualitative methods and integrative multimodal studies are suggested to expand the research field.This paper aims to highlight the practical and academic significance of studying the elder's language to strengthen the protection of rights and interests of the elderly.


