
Interpreting Activities in the Mixed Court of the Shanghai International Settlement During the Late Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 会审公廨是清政府设立在租界内用于审理华洋案件的司法机构,其案件庭审过程是晚清时期华洋角力的缩影。在这一混合法庭中,语言资本的多寡在一定程度上决定了中外双方在庭审中的话语权,而口译员作为庭审中的主要发声者之一,其能力和表现直接影响着中国谳员和外国陪审官在庭审中发挥的作用。本文以晚清时期会审公廨庭审中的口译活动为切入点,借助相关史料考察中外译员的构成情况和工作表现,对华洋官员在庭审中的样态进行观察,并进一步探究庭审中口译活动与华洋角力之间的互动关系。


    Abstract: The Mixed Court of the Shanghai International Settlement was a judicial organ set up by the Chinese government during the late Qing dynasty to deal with both civil and criminal cases where Chinese or foreigners who were not represented by consuls were defendants.The trial process in the Mixed Court vividly shows how China and foreign countries fought for their own interests.As foreigners were frequently involved in the cases, interpreting activities were carried out to remove the language barrier.The possession of linguistic capital was critical in the tussle between China and the Western powers in the Mixed Court.The interpreters' performance directly influenced the Chinese magistrate and foreign assessor's roles in the trial.Based on the historical materials, this study depicts the image of both Chinese interpreters and foreign interpreters in the Mixed Court, reviews their performance, and discusses the interactions between interpreting activities and the tussle between China and the western powers.


