基于中国问题, 推动国际译学“描述/系统”范式的新发展——译介学外译理论评述与再思

Comments and Reflections on the Theory of "Out-going" Translation of Medio-translatology as a Chinese Variant of the "Descriptive/Systemic" Paradigm of Translation Studies

  • 摘要: 谢天振教授的译介学外译理论作为译介学研究的后期成果, 在翻译学界尚未得到充分的评述和利用。本文首先详细回顾了译介学外译理论的酝酿、建构以及与译介学整体框架相融合的过程, 在此基础上对其进行了学术定义。其次, 通过对译介学研究进行范式谱系溯源, 并综述其所属的国际译学"描述/系统"范式此前对于各国"译出问题"的探讨, 凸显和阐明了译介学外译理论对于国际译学相应领域的推动和拓展。在此基础上, 我们对译介学外译理论的学术贡献、适用范围与路径, 以及需要厘清的问题和未来提升空间等方面进行了总结与再思, 以期翻译研究界能更为恰切、准确地认识和运用这一理论资源。


    Abstract: As a newly-developed sector of Xie Tianzhen's Medio-translatology, the theory of "out-going" translation is yet to be more pertinently commented and applied in translation studies.Aiming at a precise definition and an in-depth meta-analysis of the theory, this essay outlines its preparatory stage, the construction of its key terms and hypotheses, and its integration into the overall framework of Medio-translatology.In addition, based on a genealogical survey that defines Medio-translatology as the Chinese variant of "descriptive/systemic" paradigm of translation studies, the author reviews the previous researches of "out-going" translation conducted by Xie's Western peers, and explores how Xie's endeavor has added a new growth point to the development of the paradigm.Intended for the translation scholars' adequate understanding and application of the theory, the essay concludes with a summary of its academic contribution, the reflection on its applicable scopes, and the clarification of a few misconceptions.


