
On the Extension of Media Research in Translation Studies: Why and How

  • 摘要: 传播媒介是考察翻译活动时的一个重要维度,但现有翻译研究对媒介维度的关注存在工具化与表面化的倾向。为克服上述问题,本文结合译史研究中的实例,提出基于媒介多样性深入挖掘不同媒介特性,以及在媒介关系、媒介与社会其他要素关系中拓展翻译媒介研究的建议,以改变过去仅仅将媒介单纯视为译文载体的传统看法,纠正偏重传播内容而忽视媒介自身研究的不足,凸显媒介与其传播的翻译内容之间多层次的立体互动关系,进一步借助媒介维度推动翻译研究的开拓创新。


    Abstract: Media research is an important aspect of translation studies, however, in most cases, it tends to be superficial since media are treated as nothing more than tools. Therefore, this paper proposes the extension of media research on the basis of characteristics of different media and complex relationship between media and social-historical context. By citing examples from translation history, the paper holds that how translated texts are disseminated through some specific media is as significant as what has been translated in those texts. There is multi-dimensional dynamic relationship between media and media content, which will also shed light on translation studies in the future.


