Web 3.0应用生态中的关联理论新发展及其应用:《智能手机交际》述评

New Development and Application of Relevance Theory in Web 3.0 App Ecosystem: A Review of Smartphone Communication

  • 摘要: 本文旨在对Francisco Yus(2022)新著《智能手机交际》(Smartphone Communication)进行内容述介和学术评价。著作关注新兴的Web3.0网络交际现象,聚焦于智能手机应用程序系统中的网络交际研究,从非命题情感效应和语境制约两方面革新了关联理论,并将其应用到智能手机交际的实际分析之中。新著具有前瞻性、系统性和实践性,它勾勒出了智能交际的研究主题,有助于丰富现有的网络语用学体系,激发学界同仁对网络智能语言交际进行深入探索,进而开拓出有关汉文化智能交际的学术研究。


    Abstract: This paper reviews Francisco Yus’ (2022) Smartphone Communication: Interactions in the App Ecosystem.The book attaches importance to the communication in the context of Web 3.0 and focuses on the research of smartphone communication in the app ecosystem.It innovates the traditional relevance theory through adding non-propositional cognitive effects and contextual constraints, and applies the new theory into analysis of smartphone communication.The book is of great significance by outlining the future issues for smartphone communication research, which can enrich the existing internet pragmatic studies, stimulate academic researchers to conduct in-depth exploration of online language use and shed lights on Chinese smartphone communication studies.


