
Preference Principles of Person Reference in Conversation

  • 摘要: 本文从会话分析的角度出发,基于对英语自然会话的语料分析,着重探讨了会话中人称指代语使用的优选原则,提出了一个会话中人称指代语优选原则模式以及优选原则的三个原则等级。研究表明:(1)会话中的人称指代语的使用存在可识别性优选原则、最小化优选原则、关联优选原则和情境优选原则等四个优选原则;(2)各原则间呈现出竞争、互补、制约等多重关系,具体的指称形式则是在存在竞争或制约关系的相关各原则间取得平衡的结果;(3)在指称选择过程中,当相关优选原则存在矛盾或冲突时,交际者将按照相关的原则等级在各个原则间进行取舍和平衡。


    Abstract: This paper, through the analysis of naturally occurring English conversations, scrutinizes into the preference principles of person reference.The Preference Principle Model of Person Reference and three Principle Ranks are proposed.It is found that: 1) There are four preference principles underlying the choice of person reference forms, i.e.Preference Principle for Recognition, Preference Principle for Minimization, Preference Principle for Association, and Preference Principle for Situation; 2) There exist multiple relationships between the principles, i.e.competition, complementation, controlling, etc., and the choice of a specific reference form is the balanced outcome of the competing and controlling principles; 3) In the actual process of reference choice, the speaker will make a suitable choice among the principles based on the Principle Ranks when there are conflicts between the principles.


