
Clarifications and Scrutinization: Theoretical Studies at the Meso-level of Eco-Translatology

  • 摘要: 中国本土研发的生态翻译学二十多年来既受到了译界学者广泛的肯定和褒扬,也经历了相关人士的异议和商榷,这些都是十分正常的和有益于发展的;然而,其间也出现了因误解关键概念而曲解生态翻译学内涵的情形。本文拟通过阐释生态翻译学中观研究的重要理念,回应王剑的质疑文章,澄清其误解,辨析其误读,吸收其合理观点,相信会有利于生态翻译学理念的厘清,促进该中国原创翻译理论体系的健康发展。


    Abstract: Eco-Translatology, an indigenous theoretical discourse system, has received many favorable affirmations and commendations as well as a few disputes and doubts during its development over the past two decades.Among various discussions and comments, however, a few reviewers misunderstood some key concepts and misinterpreted the connotations of Eco-Translatology.This paper explains the theoretical studies at the meso-level of Eco-Translatology, aiming to respond to Wang Jian’s critical appraisal by clarifying misunderstandings, identifying misreadings, and taking in rational views.The authors believe that the clarifications will help better understand Eco-Translagology and further promote the healthy development of the theoretical discourse system of eco-translation studies that originated from China.


