
A Review of Shi Guangan's Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions in Contemporary Chinese

  • 摘要: 该篇评论认同施关淦(1988)朱德熙(1985a)一文的批评。朱文试图通过修改布龙菲尔德"向心结构"的定义,来解决"这本书的出版"违背该定义的做法,不仅不解决问题,反而造成种种逻辑上的矛盾。本文作者强调要重视施文的批评和存在的问题,不能不了了之。对于施文提议的解决办法,给"名词化说"平反,或采纳名动兼类("动名词说"),作者认为也不合理,不能解决问题。一个可供选择的解决办法是确立"广义的同构",但其前提是在沈家煊(2016)"名动包含说"的框架内确立名词和动词为"广义的同性",即在语用上同为指称语。对陆俭明(2022)有关"名动包含说"的议论,本文也有针对性的回应。


    Abstract: The author agrees with Shi's criticism (1988) of Zhu's revision (1985a) of Bloomfield's definition of endocentric construction which tries to solve the problem that zhebenshu de chuban 'the publication of the book' in Chinese violates the definition. Zhu's revision is unsuccessful and brings about further contradictions and inconsistencies. The author emphasizes the importance of Shi's critique and opposes settling the problem by leaving it unsettled. Shi (1988) proposes to return to the nominalization solution or the gerund solution, both of which however will also get nowhere in the author's opinion. The author instead suggests the adoption of Shen's theory (2016) of super-noun category and the idea of 'isomorphism in a broad sense'. This review is also a response to Lu's criticism (2022) of the super-noun theory.


