
Developing a Theoretical System of Compiling Foreign Language Textbooks for University Students in China

  • 摘要: 本文报告了在实践基础上凝练的大学外语教材编写理论体系。该体系包括五个要素: 1)国家与社会要求; 2)外语教材文化范畴; 3)外语教与学的理论; 4)外语学习者成长特点; 5)编写管理规范。"国家与社会要求"是外语教材编写的指南针。"外语教材文化范畴"是落实"国家与社会要求""外语教与学的理论"和"外语学习者成长特点"的内容载体。"外语教与学的理论"是设计教材语言实践活动类型、内容和顺序的依据。"外语学习者成长特点"是选择教材内容和设置育人目标的理据之一。"编写管理规范"是落实前面四个要素的必要保障。每个要素有自身特点, 但又互相关联。从初始操作程序上看, 它们有先后顺序, 但在编写过程中, 这五个要素须协同发挥作用, 才能保证外语教材编写的高质量。


    Abstract: The paper reports a theoretical system of compiling foreign language textbooks for university students in China generalized from my practical experiences.The system comprises of five major elements: 1) national and social requirements; 2) categories of cultures included in foreign language textbooks; 3) theories of foreign language teaching and learning; 4) characteristics of foreign language learners' growth; 5) management of compiling foreign language textbooks.The first element concerns with the direction for the other elements.The second element may decide the types of cultures included in textbooks which must be aligned with the first, the third and fourth elements.The third element centers on the rationale for designing learning activities and arranging them in order.The fourth element may provide the reasons why some themes are chosen and educational objectives are set up.The last element is related to the assurance of translating the above four elements into practice.These five elements each have their unique features and at the same time they are interconnected with each other.At the initial stage, these five elements are put into practice in order.Once the cycle of compiling foreign language textbooks starts, these five elements must work together.Only their joint force can ensure the high quality of foreign language textbooks.


