
Chinese Foreign Language Textbooks Research from an Ecological Perspective

  • 摘要: 外语教育是个生态系统。教材开发与编写是外语教育过程中重要的一环。教材是实现学科教学目标的载体与途径。在中国教育体系中, 教材不仅仅体现课程方案、课程标准的要求, 承载学生学习学科课程的内容, 充当教师落实课程要求、贯彻"立德树人"教育方针的依据和蓝本, 更是学生学习学科知识、提升核心素养的最重要的支撑与资源。因此, 教材理论研究, 不仅仅要研究教材的性质与特征、教材编写的指导思想、理论和实践依据, 还应研究教材编写的组织实施过程以及教材使用的情况。所有这一切, 都需要在充分研究外语教育生态系统特征的基础上才能进行。教材理论体系既应该包括宏观角度对教育生态系统中各参与者和重要因素间的相互关系的研究, 还应该包括中观角度教材编写、评估和使用的依据和标准, 以及微观角度教材的构成、内容、呈现方式等等。


    Abstract: FLT is an ecosystem, of which textbook development is one important link or component.Within the Chinese education system, textbooks are the means to achieve curriculum objectives.Textbooks not only embody curriculum requirements, flesh out curriculum content, and implement educational policies, but also offer vital support and resources for the students to acquire subject knowledge and develop key competencies. Hence, research on textbooks should not only concentrate on the nature and characteristics of textbooks, the guiding principles, underlying theories, and practical concerns in their development, but also reflect on the organizational processes involved in writing textbooks, and the actual use of textbooks in the classroom context.With an understanding of the ecological features of FLT, Chinese foreign language textbooks research should consider the interrelationships among different stakeholders at a macro-level, the criteria and standards for textbook development, evaluation, and consumption at a meso-level, and the components, content, and layout of textbooks at a micro-level.


