
The Truth-functional Nature of Metalinguistic Negation: A Cross-linguistic Study

  • 摘要: Horn 认为否定算子有两种:一种是具有真值函数性质的描述性否定;另外一种是元语否定,在不同于句子命题的层面操作,不具真值函数性质。但是对汉语、韩语、阿拉伯语和希腊语中元语否定的考察证明Horn的观点有失偏颇。


    Abstract: It is claimed by Horn that the negative operator ‘not’ is ambiguous since its metalinguistic use, distinguished from descriptive truth-functional negation which operates over a proposition, has been characterized as non-truth-functional.We have investigated four languages which are claimed to have special markers of metalinguistic negation, and found them nothing but markers of ordinary pragmatic functions, such as focus markers, metarepresentation markers, contrastive markers, etc., which means Horn’s point of pragmatic ambiguity can not stand close scrutiny.


