L2 Acquisition of Gradable Adjectives at the Semantics-pragmatics Interface
摘要: 本文探究中国英语学习者对语义—语用接口上等级形容词的习得情况,以及伤面子语境如何影响形容词在否定句中的推导,旨在丰富对语义—语用接口上二语者语用推导能力的认识。本研究采用两个可接受性判断任务,结果发现二语者在无语境的情况下(实验一)表现出与母语者相同程度的否定语义加强和极性不对称性。然而,在伤面子语境中(实验二),二语者出现了与英语母语者不同的表现,且此表现很大程度上受到了伤面子因素的影响。本研究期望为语义—语用接口上的二语习得研究和二语者语用推导能力研究带来新的借鉴。Abstract: The present research investigates L2 acquisition of gradable adjectives at the semantics-pragmatics interface and explores the role of the culture-specific factor ‘face’ in L2 interpretation of gradable adjectives under negation. The study included two acceptability judgment tasks and the results showed that L2 speakers were native-like in interpreting gradable adjectives under negation without a context (Experiment 1). However, L2 speakers were affected by the realization of face in processing gradable adjectives with face-threatening contexts (Experiment 2). This paper hopes to provide insights for L2 research on the semantics-pragmatics interface and L2 speakers’ capability of deriving pragmatic inferences.