
A Study of the Object and Methodology of the Intellectual History of Translation

  • 摘要: 翻译思想史研究的兴起是翻译学科建设深化的体现和翻译文化研究的结果,但现有的翻译思想史研究没有区分翻译思想和翻译理论,大多从译者和翻译研究者的角度总结理论、阐述个人思想,并没有真正同翻译理论史区别开来。以翻译思想为研究对象的翻译思想史不是个人学说和理论的集合,而是具有连续性的翻译思想的演化进程,不仅包括对翻译史及理论史上核心议题的反思,也涵盖社会思潮和时代背景下的翻译行为和事件及其背后更深层的理念、集体精神、价值观和思维方式。


    Abstract: The study of the intellectual history of translation is a direct consequence of the development of translatology and its correlation with cultural studies.The current researches of the intellectual history of translation, however, concentrating on the individual thoughts and theories, do not differentiate between theory of translation and thinking on translation, and thus become a chronological collection of translation celebrities, which overlaps to a considerable extent with the history of translation theories.The intellectual history of translation, which aims to explain the uninterrupted development of thinking on translation, not only interprets the individual theories and key issues in the history of translation and translation studies, but also reflects on all the translation events and the collective ways of thinking, social value and ideology behind.


