
The Classification of Chinese Translation History Commencement — Tracing  the Origin of Chinese Interpretive Thought on Translation

  • 摘要: 论文以法国释意派翻译理论主旨为观照,在借鉴国内学界相关成果基础上,试图对我国译史发端作出界分与界说,以在注入历史思考过程中寻觅中国释意翻译与思想起源的踪迹,从而开启中西译理融合研究的途程。


    Abstract: In the light of French Interpretive Theory of Translation, based on the Chinese scholars’ previous research, this paper tries to define the classification of Chinese translation history commencement so as to trace back the source of Chinese interpretive thought on translation from historical reflections towards an integrated study of Chinese and western translation theories.


